Go on a hunt for words and phrases and explore their meanings in this Shakespeare Scavenger hunt based on Bold and Brave Women of Shakespeare.
Enjoy the character descriptions of Beatrice and Cleopatra taken from the book Bold and Brave Women from Shakespeare. Use the extract alongside the rest of the Children's Shakespeare Book Club resources based on this book.
Enjoy this newspaper writing project based on Cleopatra taken from Shakespeare's First Folio: All the Plays: A Children's Edition.
Explore the text extracts from Bold and Brave Women from Shakespeare with these reading comprehension questions.
Find out about the illustrator of Bold and Brave Women from Shakespeare - Becca Stadtlander.
Design a mask for Beatrice, create a necklace for Cleopatra and enjoy a range of creative activities linked to the book Bold and Brave Women from Shakespeare.
Have fun finding these fabulous females from Bold and Brave Women from Shakespeare.
Test your knowledge in this quiz about the book Bold and Brave Women from Shakespeare.