Have fun solving these clues using Encore, Mr William Shakespeare!
Go on a hunt for words and phrases and explore their meanings in this Shakespeare Scavenger hunt based on Encore, Mr William Shakespeare.
Enjoy this fun and creative book making project based on 'The Finale' from Encore, Mr William Shakespeare!
Write a book review about Encore, Mr William Shakespeare! by Marcia Williams. What did you think and feel about this book? Which of the plays did you enjoy most?
Create your own quill, make ink and practise writing like Shakespeare in these creative activities based on Encore, Mr William Shakespeare!
Find out about the author and illustrator of Encore, Mr William Shakespeare! - Marcia Williams.
Explore the text extract from Encore, Mr William Shakespeare! with these reading comprehension questions.
Enjoy the beautifully illustrated retelling of Shakespeare's later years from the book Encore, Mr William Shakespeare! Use the extract alongside the rest of the Children's Shakespeare Book Club resources based on this book.
Use this reading log to write down your thoughts and feelings about the book Encore, Mr William Shakespeare.
Test your knowledge in this quiz about the book Encore, Mr William Shakespeare!